Breaking a project down into a list of tasks is a tricky and sticky business. It is so easy to get trapped in the rabbit hole of parsing the steps in a process. I often find it better to state a desired outcome and just organically work out the details as needed. For example, if I need an author to sign a contract by x date, all I need to write down is, "get contract finalized with signatures by that date." Instead of:
- adjust standard contract for this publishing project by___
- send it to author for review by___
- adjust as necessary by___
- prepare e-signing document by___
- send it out to author by___
- follow-up with author by___
I guess I'm saying, I rely on my brain to fill-in the gaps (i.e. steps) as long as I know what outcome I need and when I need it. Each of those steps is dependent on the previous, but that's implicit and I don't need to make note of it.
Is this a simplified example. No doubt. And no doubt I can't always make the plan that simple. But I think it can always be simpler than we often feel compelled to make it.