Mentally surviving Trump
2 min readNov 14, 2024
My steps for surviving Trump
The worst thing in my lifetime that isn’t a personal tragedy has happened. America has turned the keys over to a diminished man drunk on power. I fear it marks the end of our democracy. And of a lot more that is crucial to the survival of the earth. I’m not writing this to dwell on the worst. I’m writing this to formulate my steps for mentally dealing with this catastrophe. Life goes on, right? At least for a little while.
So here is what I am going to try to do:
- Focus my energy on making the lives around me better, happier. I am going to love those who love me back. I am going to be cheerful and courteous to the people who enter my orbit. I am going to protect and love my cats.
- Try not to be angry with people who supported Trump. That’s not to say I forgive them. Far from it. But I get nothing from being angry with them. They are the majority of Americans at this point. This is who we are. I need to accept this in the short term, while doing what I can when the time comes to turn this around.
- Pick at least three charities that do work I care most about and set up monthly donations to them. That will help me feel I am doing something to stanch the damage Trump will do.
- Get outside and enjoy nature. Breathe fresh air. Get sun on my face. Enjoy the birds, and our porcupine neighbor.
- Disengage as best I can from politics and the events in Washington. My inclination is to obsess about it, but that won’t do anything to change things and it only causes me stress.
Some of these things are easy. Others I’ll have to work at. It’s a process.